Cloud 3D Printing vs Standalone 3D Printing - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

October 15, 2021


3D printing is a modern technology that has revolutionized the world of manufacturing, creating all sorts of products, ranging from toys to sophisticated medical implants, and aerospace components. While there are different types of 3D printing technologies and machines out there, they can be classified into two types - standalone and cloud 3D printing.

In this blog post, we'll be taking a closer look at the pros, cons, and comparison between cloud 3D printing and standalone 3D printing.

Cloud 3D Printing

Cloud 3D printing is a technology that allows users to create, upload, and store 3D models in the cloud, and then 3D print them using a network of 3D printers connected to the cloud. In other words, it's like outsourcing the printing service to 3D printing service providers who manage the printing process on their end. Here are some of the pros and cons of cloud 3D printing:


  • Cost-effective: Cloud 3D printing eliminates the need for purchasing expensive 3D printers and materials, making it an affordable option for those who don't require 3D printing services regularly.

  • Wide range of materials: Cloud 3D printing service providers typically offer different materials to choose from for 3D printing, such as plastics, metals, and ceramics, hence making it convenient for users to select the best material for their print job.

  • Scalability: Cloud 3D printing allows for easy scalability, meaning that if you have a larger order to fulfill, you can simply upload your 3D model to the cloud and have it printed by multiple 3D printers at once, thus reducing printing time drastically.


  • Lack of control: With cloud 3D printing, the user gives up control over the printing process, and the quality of the final product may not meet expectations.

  • Security risks: Uploading 3D files to the cloud can pose risks of unauthorized access, hacking, or data breaches, especially if the files contain sensitive information.

  • Shipping: When using a cloud 3D printing service, the shipping of the finished product can become an issue, as it may take longer to reach the user, and the cost of shipping can add up, especially for international orders.

Standalone 3D Printing

Standalone 3D printing involves owning a 3D printer and using it to print 3D models created using 3D modeling software such as TinkerCAD, Fusion 360, or Blender. Standalone 3D printing offers many advantages and disadvantages compared to cloud 3D printing.


  • Control: Owning a 3D printer gives the user complete control over the printing process, allowing them to fine-tune the settings for the best quality.

  • Speed: As soon as the software has processed and sliced the model, printing can start immediately, saving time on shipping and waiting for the order to be delivered.

  • Customization: Standalone 3D printing enables users to create customized products that meet specific requirements or fit within specific dimensions.


  • High startup cost: Standalone 3D printing requires a significant investment in equipment, materials, and software, making it more expensive than cloud 3D printing.

  • Limited materials: Standalone 3D printing is limited to the materials that the user has available, which can be inconvenient for those who require exotic or expensive materials.

  • Maintenance: 3D printers require maintenance, including cleaning, calibration, and replacement of parts, requiring additional time and money.


Here's a quick comparison chart that summarizes the pros and cons of cloud 3D printing vs standalone 3D printing.

Feature Cloud 3D Printing Standalone 3D Printing
Cost-effective ✔️
Range of materials ✔️
Scalability ✔️
Control ✔️
Speed ✔️
Customization ✔️
High startup cost ✔️
Limited materials ✔️
Maintenance ✔️


In conclusion, both cloud 3D printing and standalone 3D printing have their strengths and weaknesses, and the option you choose depends on your printing needs and budget.

While cloud 3D printing is more cost-effective and scalable, standalone 3D printing provides full control, customization, and faster printing speeds. Moreover, standalone 3D printing is ideal for those who have a dedicated space and constant printing needs, whereas cloud 3D printing is perfect for occasional printing jobs.

At the end of the day, both technologies can be equally useful in the right context.




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